"I must be mermaid... I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." Anaïs Nin



Ruth Decaesstecker (°05/05/1980, Belgium) has a bachelor in communication management from the Artevelde Hogeschool (Ghent), and a master in contemporary jewelry design form St-Lucas (Antwerp).  She lives in Dudzele, Belgium, and works as a freelance photographer.

During her art studies, Ruth was inspired by philosophy, photography and la condition humaine... A few years later she discovered that analog photography was the perfect catalyst for creating her own (analog) wonderland. She documents light, colors, textures, impressions and emotions with one single click; always keeping her artistic focus.


bookings, prints, projects or questions: 


0494 583787



If you respect my work, please mention my credits whenever you use my pictures online.